Cookie Policy

Giltbrook Dyers and Cleaners Limited

A cookie is a small file containing a series of characters that is generated by a website, downloaded and stored on the device you are using to view the website. The vast majority of websites use cookies and have done so for many years. Cookies can do many things, from remembering to keep you logged in to a website, to logging visitor statistics, to showing targeted content.

If you do not wish to allow cookies, you must alter the settings in the browser you are using to view this website. Links to the instructions you need to do this are provided below:

Internet Explorer





At Giltbrook Cleaners we use a small number of cookies in good faith to give you the best possible website experience. They are listed below:

GiltbrookCleaners - expires when browser is closed. This is a persistent session cookie which means that it checks whether you are logged in or not, and keeps you logged in as you click between the pages of the website. This is an essential cookie and if deleted, you will be automatically logged out.

GiltbrookRemember - expires in 24 hours. If you tick the box to "remember me", this cookie is set which remembers your email address, thus speeding up the login process for future visits.

eucookie - expires in 10 years. We use this cookie to remember the fact that you have accepted our cookie policy (by clicking the Accept button on the dialog that appeared at the bottom of the screen).

Like most websites, Giltbrook Cleaners uses cookies. By using this website you agree to allow cookies to be placed on the device you are using to access this website. Accept or find out more